<text> <body> <div1 type="nameplate"> <pb/> <head>THE CAVALIER DAILY</head> <ab><num type="volume" value="79">79th YEAR</num> <name type="place">UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA, CHARLOTTESVILLE</name>, <date value="1969-03-11">TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 1969</date> <num type="number" value="92">NUMBER 92</num></ab> </div1> <div1 type="article" id="a1.1"> <head>Minority Youths <lb/> Test Law Interest <lb/> In Summer Study</head> <p>A faculty made up of students <lb/> and professors from the law schools <lb/> <!-- content continues... --> CLEO is sponsored by the <lb/> American Bar Association.</p> <div2 type="section"> <head>Dean Joins</head> <p>Walter J. Leonard, assistant law <lb/> dean and associate law professor at <lb/> <!-- content continues... --> from college placement offices in <lb/> the mid-Atlantic region.</p> </div2> </div1> <div1 type="figure"> <figure> <byline>Photo by Ted Putziger</byline> <head>Bill Gibson Encourages His Players During Time-Out In Recent University Hall Game</head> <p>Team Members Will Present Petition Describing "Justifiable Grievances" To Coach At Athletic Department Meeting Tonight</p> </figure> </div1> <div1 type="article" id="a1.2" next="a3.1"> <head>Team Petitions <lb/> Gibson Tonight <lb/> On Complaints</head> <byline>By Bob Cullen <lb/> Cavalier Daily Staff Writer</byline> <p>Five Virginia basketball players will meet tonight with coach <lb/> Bill Gibson, athletic directory Steve Sebo, and the faculty athletic <lb/> <!-- content continues... --> arrested Friday night by <lb/> plain-clothes detectives of the Char- <lb/> lotte police department, who</p> <ab type="ref"><ref target="a3.1">(see Players, p. 3)</ref></ab> </div1> <div1 type="article" id="a1.3"> <head>Motorcade Postponed Until Thursday</head> <byline>By Peter Shea <lb/> Cavalier Daily Staff Writer</byline> <p>After much debate, the Student <lb/> Coalition decided to postpone the <lb/> <!-- continues --> asked each member to drum up <lb/> support for the drive in the dorms.</p> </div1> <!-- The following article has this dateline: "WASHINGTON (UPI)". The letters "UPI" indicate that this is a wire-service article. Capture article headline only. --> <div1 type="article" id="a1.4"> <head>Finch Warns Cut-Off <lb/> Of Grants to Rioters</head> <wireArticle/> <p/> </div1> <div1 type="filler"> <head>New Courses</head> <p>There will be a short meeting <lb/> of all Government and Foreign <lb/> Affairs majors at 8 p.m. today <lb/> in the Informal Lounge, third <lb/> floor of Newcomb Hall. The <lb/> discussion will deal with adding <lb/> new courses to the curriculum.</p> </div1> <div1 type="figure"> <byline>Photo by Bob Gill</byline> <head rend="inline">ROTUNDA EXHIBIT —</head> <p>An exhibit entitled "Mr. Jefferson and <lb/> His Music" is currently on display in the Rotunda. The display <lb/> <!-- continues... --> Monticello, Williamsburg, Paris, the University, and with the <lb/> Marine Band.</p> </div1> <div1 type="article" id="a1.4"> <head type="sub">New IFC President Speaks</head> <head type="main"><i>Fisher Views Plans For Fraternity Future</i></head> <byline>By Thom Faulders <lb/> Cavalier Daily Staff Writer</byline> <p><i>Termed as an office of increasing influence and <lb/> authority, the office of Inter-Fraternity Council President <lb/> <!-- continues ... --> </i></p> <p> <!-- continues ... --> fraternity men whenever possible. I believe this to be an <lb/> extremely effective means of leadership.</p> </div1> <div1 type="article" id="a1.5"> <head>University Law School Graduate <lb/> Appointed to Justice Position</head> <p>Donald E. Santarelli, a 1962 <lb/> graduate of the University law <lb/> <!-- continues ... --> review of the operations of the <lb/> Federal Bail Reform Act of 1966.</p> </div1> <div1 type="filler"> <head>Recruit Program</head> <p>Students are reminded that <lb/> they may register for the high <lb/> <!-- continues ... --> A recommendation must be <lb/> submitted in order to register.</p> </div1>
<div1 type="masthead" id="m1" next="m2"> <pb n="2"/> <head>THE CAVALIER DAILY</head> <ab rend="center">Founded January 8, 1890</ab> <cit> <q><i>For here we are not afraid to follow truth wherever it may lead, nor to tolerate any error <lb/> so long as reason is left free to combat it.</i></q> <bibl><author>—Mr. Jefferson</author></bibl> </cit> <figure/> <table> <row> <cell/> <cell rend="center"><b>Publisher</b> <lb/> Charles A. Hite, III</cell> <cell/> </row> <row> <cell><b>Editor</b> <lb/> Robert B. Cullen</cell> <cell rend="center"><b>Managing Editor</b> <lb/> Roderick O. MacDonald</cell> <cell rend="right"><b>Business Manager</b> <lb/> Roy P. Bishop, III</cell> </row> </table> </div1> <div1 type="op-ed"> <head>'The Movement' Enters New Phase</head> <p><i>The following is reprinted from <lb/> the Wall Street Journal of January <lb/> 31, 1969.</i></p> <p>"The movement" — as today's <lb/> youthful rebels like to call their <lb/> <!-- continues... --> more than a decision to make <lb/> adolescence itself into an <lb/> ideology."</p> </div1> <div1 type="op-ed"> <head>Setting An Example</head> <p>There are a number of critics of the <lb/> current coalition movement who assert, in <lb/> <!-- continues... --> hesitate no longer. Too much is at stake to <lb/> allow this effort to fail.</p> </div1> <div1 type="op-ed"> <head type="sub"><u>Letters To The Editor:</u></head> <head type="main"><i>Coach Gibson's Resignation Suggested</i></head> <div2 type="letter"> <opener> <salute>Dear Sir:</salute> </opener> <p>After defending Coach Bill Gib- <lb/> son for the better part of six years, <lb/> <!-- continues... --> "affronts" to the citizenry of this <lb/> state.</p> <p>Sieg heil! Mr. Chandler, with <lb/> your red . . .</p> <closer> <signed rend="indent">Phillip W. Worrall <lb/> Architecture 5</signed> </closer> </div2> </div1> <div1 type="masthead" id="m2" prev="m1"> <p>The Cavalier Daily, the student newspaper of the <lb/> University of Virginia, is published Monday through <lb/> Friday during the school year, except during <lb/> examination and holiday periods, in the newspaper <lb/> offices and at the Culpeper Star-Exponent, Culpeper, <lb/> Virginia.</p> <p>Offices of The Cavalier Daily are on the fifth floor <lb/> of Newcomb Hall with office hours from 11 a.m. to <lb/> 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Phone 924-3387 or <lb/> 924-3388. Subscription rates: $5 per semester and $9 <lb/> per year. Entered as second-class matter at the <lb/> Charlottesville, Virginia post office.</p> <table> <row> <cell>News Editor</cell> <cell rend="right">Roderick O. MacDonald</cell> </row> <!-- continues... --> <row> <cell>Circulation Manager</cell> <cell rend="right">Nicholas H. Acheson</cell> </row> </table> </div1> <cartoon/> <div1 type="op-ed"> <head>Lauderdale Letter</head> <p>To: All students planning to visit Fort Lauderdale, Florida during the <lb/> Spring Holidays 1969</p> <p>From: R. H. Bubier, City Manager, City of Fort Lauderdale, Florida</p> <p>I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to our city <lb/> and sincerely hope that your stay will be a pleasant and memorable <lb/> experience.</p> <!-- continues... --> <closer> <signed>R. H. Bubier, City Manger</signed> </closer> </div1>
<div1 type="article" id="a3.1" prev="a1.2"> <pb n="3"/> <head type="main">Players Present Grievances Tonight</head> <head type="sub">Sebo, FAC Hold Review <lb/> Of Revolt Against Gibson</head> <ab type="ref" rend="center"><ref target="a1.2">(continued from p.1)</ref></ab> <p>caught them selling tickets for <lb/> prices in excess of the printed value <lb/> outside the Charlotte Coliseum. <lb/> They were released upon payment <lb/> of $25. fines.</p> <!-- continues... --> <p>Two team members who have <lb/> been quoted from statements made <lb/> in Charlotte Thursday night have <lb/> said that Gibson's methods have <lb/> caused a general <sic>brwakdown</sic> in <lb/> team morale, to the point that <lb/> <figure> <head>Coach Bill Gibson</head> <p>Meets With Players Tonight</p> </figure> some players have lost their desire <lb/> to win, feeling that victories might <lb/> serve only to extend Coach Gib- <lb/> son's tenure.</p> <!-- continues... --> <p>This year's team, after an <lb/> auspicious start, which included <lb/> wins over Duke and South Carolina <lb/> in the same week, suffered through <lb/> eight losses in its last nine games, <lb/> and finished the season with a <lb/> 99-86 loss to Duke</p> </div1> <!-- Content on page 3 continues... -->
<div1 type="article" id="a4.1"> <pb n="4"/> <head><b>Festival Showcases <lb/> Student Film-Makers</b></head> <p>With the cooperation of the <lb/> Lincoln Center for the Performing <lb/> <!-- continues... --> </p> </div1> <div1 type="filler"> <head><b><i>Concert Poll</i></b></head> <p>A survey will be conducted <lb/> by the PK-German Dance Soci- <lb/> <!-- continues... --> </p> </div1> <div1 type="univ-notices"> <head><i>University Notices</i></head> <div2 type="section"> <head>TODAY</head> <p>FELLOWSHIP of Christian Ath- <lb/> letes meeting at 7:30 p.m., Wesley <lb/> Foundation.</p> <!-- continues... --> <p>THE UNIVERSITY Union pre- <lb/> sents their IFC weekend concert. <lb/> Carla Thomas adn Show, Sat., <lb/> March 15 at 7 p.m. in Memorial <lb/> Gym. Tickets $1.50, non-students <lb/> $2. Part of proceeds will go to the <lb/> Transitional Fund at the U.</p> </div2> </div1> <div1 type="classifieds"> <head>CLASSIFIED</head> <div2 type="section"> <head>FOR SALE</head> <p>65 records, assorted conditions <lb/> and prices, folk and soul, $0.25 to <lb/> <!-- continues... --> Thursday: Fried Chicken. Friday: <lb/> fish or spegetti. Call 296-5940. Beer <lb/> and wine on and off.</p> </div2> </div1> <puzzle/> <ad/> <ad/> <ad/> <ad/> <ad/> <ad/> <ad/> <ad/> </body> </text> </TEI.2>